Cryptantha species [Boraginaceae]

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Scientific Name Cryptantha crassipes (Oreocarya crassipes) USDA PLANTS Symbol
Common Name Terlingua Creek Catseye, Terlingua Creek Cryptantha ITIS Taxonomic Serial No.
Family Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not) Texas Parks Reference Click Here
Description Habitat: Chalky limestone and gypsum-laced clays; endemic to a small area in Brewster County.
Plant: Erect perennial, hairy stems up to 12 inches tall.
Leaves: Narrow, sessile, linear-spatulate to linear-oblanceolate leaves mostly in a basal clump, 1 to 2—1/3 inches long with very small hairs on surfaces and edges; stem leaves fewer, smaller, alternate.
Inflorescence: Compact, dense, terminal clusters of small tubular blossoms each about 1/3-inch across, with 5 spreading, rounded white lobes and yellow center; sometimes clusters will occur at leaf axils.
Bloom Period: March to June.
References: "Rare Plants of Texas" by Poole, Carr, Price and Singhurst and Texas Parks and Wildlife.
BONAP Distribution Map

Texas Status:
Scientific Name Cryptantha crassisepala USDA PLANTS Symbol
Common Name Thicksepal Catseye, Thicksepal Cryptantha ITIS Taxonomic Serial No.
Family Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not) SEINet
Click Here
Description Habitat: Dry sandy or gravelly places; dunes, slopes, grasslands.
Plant: Short annual, 4 to 6 inches tall; several to many spreading stems with pungent bristles.
Leaves: Very bristly leaves clustered at base and alternate on stems; sessile, narrowly oblanceolate, up to 2 inches long and less than 1/4-inch wide near base, becoming smaller upward.
Inflorescence: Very small white flowers, 1/8-inch across, in dense curled spikes (scorpioide cymes) surrounded by a calyx less than 0.1 inch long, of thick, bristly sepals with prominent ribs; blossoms have 5 rounded lobes; no bracts below cymes. Cymes open and elongate up to 6 inches long as plant matures.
Bloom Period: March to May.
References: "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston and SEINet.
BONAP Distribution Map

Texas Status:

© Tom Lebsack 2022